« Within each stone lies a sleeping god. »

S. J. Back

November 2020

It is getting dark very early now, it is wet and grey and cold. A real challenge to get out there in the dark and cut a stone … but once out there with the stone, I forget all this and the stone and I we start to communicate and the inner light starts to glow.

November 2020

It is getting dark very early now, it is wet and grey and cold.
A real challenge to get out there in the dark and cut a stone … but once out there with the stone, I forget all this and the stone and I we start to communicate and the inner fire starts to glow.

The landscape sleeps in mist from morn till noon;
And, if the sun looks through, `tis with a face
Beamless and pale and round, as if the moon,
When done the journey of her nightly race,
Had found him sleeping, and supplied his place. (…)

The shepherds calendar – November Poem by John Clare

The stones

h 34 cm - 5kg - stone, beeswax

La flor que anda de mano en mano

h 24 cm - 4,5kg - stone, beeswax

I don’t believe in anything.

h 26cm - 10kg - stone, beeswax

Pojken dricker mjölk

Sun Kil Moon
h 29 cm - 13kg - 2 sided - stone

… Stars, saturn and moon, glow f…

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